Franklin The Tertel is a Canadian children’s book franchise. All books of the original series were written by Poplet Bourgeois and illustrated by Brenda Clark Based on the book series of children featuring Franklin “Franklin and Friends ” “A computer-animated series that focuses on preschoolers that aim to teach children lessons.” The series follows Franklin’s turtle, which is now older than books and previous TV series, as he experiences adventures in the community of woodland and learns lessons on the way. Referenced in the title are the best friends in Franklin’s friends bear, problem solving snail, practical clown rabbit, natural leader Beaver, inventive Fox and Empirist Googe. The series deals with issues which include personal empowerment, socialization, self-esteem, appreciation of nature and school issues.
Series Name: Franklin and Friends
Release Year: 2002
Season: 05
Quality: 480p
Running Time: ~22 minutes
Language: English Dubbed
Encoded By: TreehouseDirect
Distributed By:
No. overall | No. in season | Title | Original air date | |
53 | 1 | "Franklin the Teacher / Franklin's Allergy" | April 29, 2002 | |
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54 | 2 | "Franklin Loses a Book / Franklin and Betty" | May 6, 2002 | |
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55 | 3 | "Franklin's Pumpkin / Franklin's Jug Band" | May 13, 2002 | |
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56 | 4 | "Franklin and the Bus Patrol / Franklin and Wolvie" | May 20, 2002 | |
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57 | 5 | "Franklin Stays Up / Franklin's Bargain" | May 27, 2002 | |
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58 | 6 | "Franklin's Big Game / Franklin's Reading Club" | June 3, 2002 | |
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59 | 7 | "Franklin in Two Places / Franklin's First Star" | June 10, 2002 | |
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60 | 8 | "Franklin's Float / Franklin's Party Plans" | June 17, 2002 | |
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61 | 9 | "Gee Whiz Franklin / Franklin Can't Wait" | June 24, 2002 | |
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62 | 10 | "Franklin's Spring First / Franklin Plays Golf" | July 1, 2002 | |
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63 | 11 | "Franklin's Canoe Trip / Franklin's Interview" | July 8, 2002 | |
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64 | 12 | "Franklin's Crystal / Franklin's Advice" | July 15, 2002 | |
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65 | 13 | "Franklin's Cookie Question / Franklin's Picnic" | July 22, 2002 | |
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